How do I cancel my membership?
Don’t worry, your membership will automatically renew unless you cancel your subscription!
If you decide to cancel your upgraded membership subscription, you can do so by going to your Account Settings >> Account and click on Purchases.
On the Purchases screen, click on the Membership area.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Cancel Subscription" to initiate the cancellation of your subscription.
Continue to follow the pop-up prompts until you reach the final screen that shows your cancellation is CONFIRMED.
Cancelation Screen 1 of 3:
Cancelation Screen 2 of 3:
Cancelation Screen 3 of 3:
Want to be sure your subscription is canceled? Simply refresh your Membership screen and the bottom of the page should show the "Automatically renew my membership" box is UNCHECKED. This means your upgrade subscription is completely canceled.
Just a heads up, any active PRO contest entries you have will be voided once your account converts to a free Lite membership.
Canceling your subscription will prevent future billing/renewals on your account; it does NOT impact the current subscription or initiate a refund.