How do I close my account?


You may always maintain a free Lite membership, which includes many benefits, such as access to participate in free photo contests, photo challenges, and Peer Awards for Lite members.



If you have a free Lite membership (a non-upgraded membership) and you want to close your ViewBug account, click on the profile icon on the upper right corner of the screen. Select Account Settings.  On the left-hand menu, click on Account then select Purchases.


On the Purchases screen, click on the Membership.


Then scroll to the bottom of the page to where it says: 

"Warning: By clicking on "Delete Account" All of your photos and profile will be deleted. Delete Account 

Click on the ending text that says "Delete Account".  This will completely delete your account.

Once an account is deleted, the account information, photos, awards, etc., will no longer be accessible.  




Upgraded members should contact our Member Support team for assistance to ensure their membership subscription is first canceled to prevent any future billing and the account can then be completely closed.   Click here to email Member Support.