What are the rules of VIEWBUG?
At VIEWBUG, our community guidelines include:
➤ As in any other online community, please refrain from aggressive or negative behavior.
➤ Let’s work together to keep photo critiques constructive and learn from each other.
➤ Be responsible and only upload your own photos. Uploading copyrighted material is not permitted and can lead to your account being cancelled. This includes uploading any images that you did not shoot. We do not permit the use of stock photography, derivative works, or images downloaded from the Internet, on our site.
➤ If your photos include the faces or likeness of others, you must have written permission or a signed model's release in order to publish the image on our site.
➤ Be aware that minors may be browsing the site. Members are required to use the Adult Filter on any images that include partial or full nudity, or suggestive adult material. While we do permit artistic nudity, members should refrain from sharing X-rated, pornographic, or excessively explicit adult material.
➤ We appreciate different art forms, however graphics and other graphic-style art, drawings, paintings, etc are not ideal for ViewBug's platform as we focus solely on original photography.
➤ And of course, our favorite and most important rule: be creative and HAVE FUN!